
Photo Shootings

Professional photo shootings for single portraits, couples, families and more! Choose from different shooting packages, appropriate for every occasion. Outdoor or in our professional photo studio in Neuhausen ob Eck.

Single Portraits

We want to reveal your natural beauty and not make contrived photos of you – photos that are more than just images.

Many customers think they lack photogenicity and that there is simply no such thing as beautiful photos of them.

The Moe and Joe photographer team wants to convince you otherwise. We take it upon ourselves to put you in the right light – whether as a character study or as an emotional portrait, where we bring out your most beautiful smile. We take pictures of you in your home, in the garden or in a place of your choosing.

Whether romantic in a forest clearing or chilling in an industrial ruin, we focus on naturalness in our portraits and will not change you.


A couples photo shoot is something very special, unfortunately it happens far too rarely. We take pictures of you in our cosy studio or we enjoy going outdoors and taking pictures of you as a couple, in a place of your choice, if you like. With such a photo shooting you can surprise your loved one with a voucher.

We take engagement photos with many of our future wedding couples. These pictures are very well suited for wedding invitations. The advantage of an engagement shooting is that you get a feeling for the way we work and don’t have to be too tense or insecure on the day of the wedding. But even if you are not married yet, a photo shoot with your partner at a young or even more mature age is something wonderful.


Time passes – sometimes unfortunately too fast – what will remain is the picture. When do you ever succeed in gathering yourself and your loved ones for professional family photos in front of a photographer’s camera? We rarely capture the moments with the people who are most important to us. Family photos are precious and of priceless value. With us, a professional photo shoot with the family is always an experience.

We make honest, modern and sophisticated family photos in our photo studio, but we also offer outdoor shoots outdoors, preferably at a place of importance or we simply surprise you with a beautiful location. We can rely on years of experience and can proudly present several awards. We recommend to always arrange the date for the photo shooting with us early.


Capturing the happiness of children in pictures.

Children grow up faster than one realizes. We capture this moment for you on family photos together with your children.

In a pleasant atmosphere we will make your offspring into big stars for a day. Together with your children we will try to find out what suits them best and what they like the most. Whether portrait photography or wild ideas, everything is allowed in this shooting.